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Top 20 Countries With The Highest Coffee Consumption

Nov 12, 2023Nov 12, 2023

In this article, we will be covering the top 20 countries with the highest coffee consumption. If you are not interested in reading the details, feel free to skip to the Top 5 Countries With The Highest Coffee Consumption.

Coffee is a beloved beverage that fuels mornings, inspires conversations, and adds a delightful kick to daily routines worldwide. While its origins trace back to ancient times, today, coffee has become an integral part of numerous cultures, with some countries displaying a particular penchant for its consumption. These nations have cultivated a deep appreciation for coffee's rich aromas and invigorating flavors, from bustling cafes to cozy kitchens.

The global coffee market is a massive industry generating billions of dollars in revenue yearly. According to Expert Market Research, the global coffee market reached a valuation of around USD 126.38 billion in 2022, with a steady CAGR of 4.82% during 2018-2022. Looking ahead to 2023-2028, the coffee market is expected to grow at a remarkable CAGR of 6.7%. These figures highlight coffee's enduring popularity and relentless demand.

Coffee consumption has a significant impact on the economy of top countries. In addition to providing jobs for farmers, coffee shops, and roasters, the coffee industry generates revenue that supports local communities. According to recent studies, the top coffee-consuming countries have seen an increase in economic growth due to this industry.

For example, Dutch Bros Inc. (NYSE: BROS), one of the prominent coffee chains in the USA, plays a substantial role in the American coffee market. In 2015, the United States coffee industry made a significant contribution of over $225 billion to the economy and supported more than 1.6 million jobs. Currently, Dutch Bros Inc. (NYSE: BROS) has a market capitalization of $1.64 billion. In 2022, Dutch Bros Inc. (NYSE: BROS) generated $739 million in revenue. When it comes to countries, in 2021, Brazil solidified its position as the global leader in coffee production, accounting for 40% of the world's total output with 69.9 million bags. The undeniable economic impact of coffee consumption will continue to shape the global economy for years to come.

In recent years, coffee has become an essential part of the daily routine for many people, especially millennials and Gen Z consumers. According to the latest research, the coffee industry is expected to grow significantly over the next few years, with an estimated global market value of $144.68 billion by 2025.

The rising demand for coffee is mainly due to the changing preferences of consumers, who are increasingly looking for high-quality, ethically sourced, and sustainably produced coffee products. Demographically, the coffee industry caters to a diverse range of consumers, including age, income, education, and lifestyle. Younger consumers prefer specialty coffee drinks like lattes and cappuccinos, while older consumers may prefer traditional drip coffee.

Additionally, consumers in urban areas are more likely to visit coffee shops and cafes, while consumers in rural areas may prefer to brew coffee at home. A recent study reveals that approximately 1 billion coffee enthusiasts worldwide consume a staggering 2 billion cups of coffee daily. However, most of the consumption happens in few countries on an overall basis like the US, but the county's annual per capita consumption is comparitvely low, at just 8 pounds. Speaking of which, some countries that drink the least amount of coffee include Pakistan and Nepal, among others.

Surprisingly, over 125 million coffee drinkers reside in the United States, with a significant portion enjoying their morning cup of joe. The study highlights that 90% of older individuals in the US have developed a strong habit of drinking coffee in the morning, while 70% of younger individuals aged 18 to 24 also partake in this caffeinated delight.

Consumer behavior analysis is crucial for businesses in the coffee industry to remain competitive and relevant. Understanding consumers' preferences, buying habits, and motivations can help companies develop effective marketing strategies, product offerings, and pricing models.

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Our methodology for ranking countries with the highest coffee consumption in 2022 involved sorting them in ascending order based on coffee consumed per capita. To ensure data accuracy, we extensively referenced reliable sources such as World Atlas and Hawaii Coffee, among others. Here is our list of the top 20 countries with the highest coffee consumption.

Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 10.8 lbs

Coffee is significant in Cypriot culture, surpassing even the famous 'souvlaki' dish. Despite its relative obscurity to foreigners, Cyprus is known for its exceptional coffee. Coffee breaks are integral to daily life, enjoyed both on the go and during leisurely cafe visits. The Coffee segment in Cyprus is expected to generate US$537.50 million in revenue in 2023, with a projected annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.61% from 2023 to 2025.

Major international coffee chains like Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQ:SBUX), Costa Coffee, Caffé Nero, and Coffee Island have established themselves in Cyprus, solidifying their reputation as a thriving coffee culture hub.

Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 11.2 lbs

Coffee holds an important place in the daily lives of Croatians, where enjoying a cup of coffee while socializing is a cherished tradition. "Let's go for coffee" is commonly heard in Croatian conversations. The demand for coffee in the country has been steadily increasing since 2017, with an average year-on-year growth of 0.5%. By 2026, coffee consumption will reach nearly 22 thousand metric tons in the country. The coffee segment in Croatia is expected to generate a revenue of US$1.27 billion in 2023, with an annual growth rate of 2.11% from 2023 to 2025.

Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 11.9 lbs

Coffee is exceptional in French culture, with 68% of the population being regular coffee drinkers. Among the French, Carte Noire is the most recognized brand. Carte Noire is known for its positive impression, perceived quality, and value for money. Nespresso and Nescafé also enjoy high brand recognition and perform well in appearance and perceived quality. The coffee market in France is expected to generate substantial revenue of US$13.84 billion in 2023, with a steady annual growth rate of 0.54% anticipated from 2023 to 2025.

Coffee Consumption Per Capita: 11.9 lbs

Coffee is significant in Greek culture, with a strong tradition of enjoying this beverage. When Greeks visit cafeterias, their preferred types of coffee include espresso, Greek coffee, instant coffee, and filter coffee. Among the notable coffee brands, Nescafe is highly renowned in Greece. The country's coffee market is expected to generate a revenue of US$4.43 billion in 2023, with a projected annual growth rate of 2.62% from 2023 to 2025. This combination of a wealthy coffee tradition, diverse preferences, and market growth highlights the importance of coffee in Greek society, making it one of the countries with highest coffee consumption.

Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 12.13 lbs

In the German coffee market, competition is fierce, with dominant players holding significant market share. Nestle SA, JAB Holding Company, and Tchibo GmbH Coffee Company are the key players dominating the market. The Coffee segment in Germany is projected to generate a revenue of US$23.90 billion in 2023. The market is expected to experience a steady annual growth rate of 0.96% from 2023 to 2025. The German coffee market remains vibrant and dynamic, with established players and continuous market growth.

Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 12.79 lbs

Slovenians are known for their passion for coffee, potentially consuming Europe's most caffeine. On average, each resident of Slovenia enjoys 12.79 lbs of coffee annually. In 2021, the country imported around 22,000 tons of coffee, with a significant portion sourced from Brazil. The Coffee segment in Slovenia is expected to generate a revenue of US$369.00 million in 2023, with a substantial projected annual growth rate of 4.83% from 2023 to 2025, highlighting the enduring love for coffee in the country.

Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 12.79 lbs

Brazil has long been recognized as the world's largest coffee producer, boasting a remarkable production of 58,211 60kg bags during the 2019-20 season. Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQ:SBUX) is among the notable coffee brands in Brazil. The country's coffee market is anticipated to generate substantial revenue of US$41.28 billion in 2023, with a projected annual growth rate of 9.28% from 2023 to 2025. Brazil's impressive coffee production and the market's strong growth trajectory highlight the country's influential position and achievements in the global coffee industry.

Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 13 lbs

Coffee is deeply ingrained in Italian culture, with Italians valuing high-quality coffee and showing loyalty to Italian brands. In 2022, Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQ:SBUX) introduced its first drive-thru in Italy by partnering with Percassi and the Q8 service station company. The Italian coffee market is competitive, with Nestle, Kimbo, and Lavazza among the key players. The coffee segment in Italy is expected to generate revenue of US$13.39 billion in 2023, with a steady annual growth rate of 2.54% projected for 2023-2025. These factors reflect the strong coffee culture and vibrant market in the country.

Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 13.45 lbs

Austria's coffee culture, characterized by its traditional coffee houses known as Kaffeehäuser, attracts visitors from across Europe. Austrians have a strong affinity for coffee, consuming an average of 13.45 lbs annually. The coffee segment in the country is expected to generate a revenue of US$5.25 billion in 2023, with a projected annual growth rate of 4.25% from 2023 to 2025. These trends underscore the enduring popularity of coffee in Austria and its integral role in the country's cultural identity.

Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 13.67 lbs

Bosnian coffee, deeply rooted in history, has a significant cultural significance in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Introduced during the Ottoman Empire's rule, it became a cherished tradition as a substitute for alcohol in Islamic customs. The projected growth in Bosnian coffee consumption is a modest 0.2% increase, reaching 24,370 metric tons by 2026.

The coffee segment in Bosnia and Herzegovina is expected to generate a revenue of US$880.80 million in 2023, with an annual growth rate of 2.19% from 2023 to 2025. These trends reflect the enduring love for Bosnian coffee and its integral role in the region's cultural heritage.

Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 14.33 lbs

Canadians have a strong affinity for coffee, who are consuming nearly 3 cups daily. Surprisingly, only a tiny percentage of young adults aged 18 to 24 regularly drink coffee. Tim Hortons and Starbucks are Canada's leading coffee brands for home brewing. Many Canadians allocate a moderate budget of CAD$10 to CAD$20 for their coffee expenses.

The coffee segment in Canada is expected to generate substantial revenue of US$28.80 billion in 2023, and the market is projected to experience strong growth with an annual rate of 5.19% from 2023 to 2025. These statistics highlight the enduring popularity of coffee among Canadians and the promising prospects for the coffee industry in the country.

Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 14.33 lbs

Luxembourg's coffee culture is impressive, with an average consumption of 14.33 lbs (6.5 kg) per person annually. Coffee shops in Luxembourg City offer a diverse range of options, including unique espresso drinks like "lait Russe" and "café gourmand." The country's coffee eCommerce market is set to reach US$36.6 million by 2023, capturing 95.3% of the hot drinks eCommerce market. The anticipated growth is high, with a projected CAGR of 14.6% from 2023 to 2027, highlighting coffee's significance in Luxembourg's culture and the thriving eCommerce market.

Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 15 lbs

Belgium has a rich coffee culture that goes beyond simply consuming the beverage. The country's coffee lounges attract customers throughout the day and serve as centers for meaningful conversations and transformative experiences. Although coffee consumption in Belgium is expected to decrease by 1.4% annually, reaching around 48 thousand metric tons by 2026, the importance of coffee in Belgian culture remains strong. There has been a steady decline of 1.9% per year since 2017.

However, the Belgian coffee eCommerce market is showing promising growth and is projected to reach US$23.1 million by 2023, highlighting the significant role of coffee in Belgian culture and the exciting potential of the online coffee market in the country.

Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 17.42 lbs

In Switzerland, drinking coffee is a cherished social activity, with a preference for espresso-based drinks like the "caffè crema." Despite the higher cost, the average Swiss enjoys three cups of coffee daily. The Coffee segment in Switzerland is projected to generate revenue of US$3.71 billion in 2023, with steady growth expected at an annual rate of 1.90% from 2023 to 2025, highlighting the cultural and economic significance of coffee in Switzerland.

Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 18 lbs

In Sweden, coffee is deeply ingrained in the culture, with the tradition of "fika" representing a cherished break for coffee, cakes, and conversations. Despite a modest daily consumption of 1.8 cups per person, Swedes consume 18 pounds of coffee annually, spending approximately nine hours indulging in this beloved ritual. The Coffee segment in Sweden is set to generate substantial revenue of US$8.34 billion in 2023, highlighting the enduring love for coffee and the thriving market in the country.

Click to see and continue reading the Top 5 Countries With The Highest Coffee Consumption.

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Disclosure. None: The Top 20 Countries With The Highest Coffee Consumption is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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Top 5 Countries With The Highest Coffee Consumption Economic Impact of Coffee Consumption in Top Countries Demographics and Consumer Behavior Analysis Our Methodology countries with the highest coffee consumption 20. Cyprus Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 10.8 lbs 19. Croatia Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 11.2 lbs 18. France Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 11.9 lbs 17. Greece Coffee Consumption Per Capita: 11.9 lbs countries with highest coffee consumption. 16. Germany Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 12.13 lbs 15. Slovenia Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 12.79 lbs 14. Brazil Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 12.79 lbs 13. Italy Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 13 lbs 12. Austria Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 13.45 lbs 11. Bosnia And Herzegovina Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 13.67 lbs 10. Canada Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 14.33 lbs 9. Luxembourg Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 14.33 lbs 8. Belgium Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 15 lbs 7. Switzerland Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 17.42 lbs 6. Sweden Coffee Consumption Per Capita (2022): 18 lbs Top 5 Countries With The Highest Coffee Consumption. Top 20 Countries With The Highest Coffee Consumption